Women's Euro 2022: Error in additional predictions

22 juli 2022 -
Unfortunately, there is an error in the tournament schedule of the additional predictions for the Women's Euro 2022. According to this schedule the winner of quarter final 1 (England - Spain) will compete against the winner of quarter final 4 (France - Netherlands). However, this is not correct, England will play against the winner of quarter final 3 (Sweden - Belgium).

The error is not recoverable, because the schedule is automatically filled based on your own choices. We could correct the quarter-finals, but then the semi-finals will be different and we can no longer determine who (based on your prediction) advances to the final.

We came up with 2 possible solutions:
  1. Invalidation of the additional predictions from the semi-final.
    This is very unfortunate, because then you also don't get points for the winner (which you may have chosen independently of the scheme).
  2. Accept the mistake and continue. Everyone has made choices based on this (wrong) schedule.
We decided to go for option 2. This has the least impact and keeps the tournament fun until the last match. We are very sorry that despite careful checking, the schedule is not correct.

Despite this mistake, we wish you good luck with your prediction!
Aantal deelnemers


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Wie zag die uitslag van De Klassieker nou aankomen? Het is de week van de waarheid voor Ajax terwijl ze maar aan blijven kwakkelen en (door)wisselen met de basiself en dan spelen ze juist tegen DE club in topvorm en winnen zelfs in De Kuip en hoe! Schiet mij maar lek vandaar deze poll dus.. Kunnen ze dit ook a.s. zaterdag thuis in de Johan Cruijff ArenA tegen DE (ongeslagen) topclub van Nederland, PSV?

  • , ze verliezen zelfs 33%
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  • , ze verliezen zelfs ruim 13%
  • , ze winnen zelfs ruim 5%

Er is 286 keer gestemd.

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