Ranking pools Nations League

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/10/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
26 Champignon leaugue 2,156 7
Knvb sleenhoff 2,156 7
Nations league sleenhoff 2,156 7
Sleenhoffjes 2,156 7
30 De Nootjes Nations League 2,113 5
31 Blub blub 2,102 5
Blub blub CL 2,102 5
Nations League Blub blub 🇳🇱 2,102 5
34 Kampioenspoule 2,095 9
35 Europawpi 2,051 6
Nations league wpi 2,051 6
Wpi 2,051 6
Wpi europa 2,051 6
39 MOCRO INSIDE 2,031 9
MOCRO INSIDE kenners 2,031 8
41 MOCRO INSIDE kenners CL 1,981 6
42 De Nootjes Eredivisie 1,718 5
43 De beste Eredivisie voorspellers 1,562 4
Neep FC 1,562 8
45 Hallo ik weet geen goeie naam🤪 1,537 6
46 Nations league family🇵🇱🇳🇱🇩🇪⚽️ 1,305 5
47 Nations league 1 1,296 5