Ranking pools Eredivisie

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
1976 Daan ouwe f-sider 2,020 10
PSV KAMPIOEN !!!! ⚽⚽🏆🏆 2,020 10
1978 Eredivisie 2024-25! 2,017 7
VriendenElburg 2,017 5
1980 Mondkapje verplicht 2,011 5
SKTB poule 21-22 2,011 6
Van links ....... naar rechts 2,011 5
1983 Griepjes 2,010 8
Maak me gek 2,010 8
1985 ABS poule 2,009 7
ABS poule E 2,009 7
Eredivisie NL 24/25 2,009 5
1988 De stichting 076 🔪 2,006 8
Welagetjes 2,006 5
1990 cl ivo 2,003 5
HeLierho 2,003 5
Korthouwertjes en zo 2,003 7
Nl.. 2,003 6
zwetende ivoo 2,003 6
1995 Broodje kaal - eredivisie 2,002 13
Eredivisie Action en andere stakkers 2,002 15
1997 Hoe dichter bij dord 24/25 2,001 6
1998 De echte voetbal kenners!! 2,000 9
1999 Flowserve 1,999 6
2000 Lieve mongolen 1,998 5